

Login to PSI and switch to cyborg project.

oc login --token=sha256~....  --server= ....
oc project cyborg

Get secrets from Bitwarden. Sentry from extra-vars.yml in secrets-packit-[prod|stg] item and GitHub token from Release/usercont bot item.

export SENTRY=$( echo -n 'token from bitwarden' | base64 )
export GITHUB=$( echo -n 'token from bitwarden' | base64 )

Install from this repo

make install DEPLOYMENT=[production|staging]

Install from chart repository

If you’re going to use the chart from outside (without having this repo cloned), you can install the chart from our chart repository. You just need to have a file with keys overriding those defined in values.yaml with ~ value.

helm repo add packit https://helm.packit.dev
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install --cleanup-on-fail packit-service-validation packit/packit-service-validation --set secrets.sentry=${SENTRY} --set secrets.github=${GITHUB} --values your-values-file.yaml

Render templates

If you just want to see how the rendered templates would look like:

make dryrun DEPLOYMENT=[production|staging]