Login to PSI and switch to cyborg
oc login --token=sha256~.... --server= ....
oc project cyborg
Get secrets from Bitwarden.
Sentry from extra-vars.yml
in secrets-packit-[prod|stg]
item and
GitHub token from Release/usercont bot
export SENTRY=$( echo -n 'token from bitwarden' | base64 )
export GITHUB=$( echo -n 'token from bitwarden' | base64 )
make install DEPLOYMENT=[production|staging]
If you’re going to use the chart from outside (without having this repo cloned),
you can install the chart from our chart repository. You just need to have a file
with keys overriding those defined in values.yaml
with ~
helm repo add packit https://helm.packit.dev
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install --cleanup-on-fail packit-service-validation packit/packit-service-validation --set secrets.sentry=${SENTRY} --set secrets.github=${GITHUB} --values your-values-file.yaml
If you just want to see how the rendered templates would look like:
make dryrun DEPLOYMENT=[production|staging]